
Welcome to Pillar of Hope

Building a church that looks like the Kingdom of God.

Christian Education

To know Jesus and to make him known; to train and educate members in every aspect of development, personal and church, such that every believer is well-equipped and armored to withstand the wiles of the enemy.

Christian Education consists of the following:


New Members Class

Eight weeks course designed to introduce the tenets of our beliefs, the church vision, mission, and policies. New believers in Christ need to know what they believe, and more importantly, why they believe. Deut 32:2


Sunday School

A weekly class teaching the basic principles of the Christian faith to enable believers to discover and understand biblical truths, and thus walk humbly with the Lord. Psm 34:11


Bible Study

Intense, in-depth study to collectively grapple with and grasp an intimate understanding of God through His Word. Students gain wisdom and direction as they learn to recognize and follow God’s voice. 1 Tim 2:2



Mentoring relationships that foster the process of becoming like Christ in every way and in everything; becoming the hands and feet of Christ. Prov 22:6a

Our Partners

Reach Out, Connect, and Let Your Voice Be Heard

Contact Us Today for Any Inquiries, Prayer Requests, or Community Involvement


    Sunday School 9:15 am

    Morning Worship 10:30am

    Food Distribution Every 2nd Tuesday of the Month

    Bible Study Thursday 6:15pm

    Fuel Our Mission with Your Donation

    Your generous contribution empowers us to make a lasting impact, bringing positive change to communities and lives.